プロフィール | ABOUT
ニューヨークで生まれ育った、英語ネイティブのALEX YORKは、「あなたもコミュニケーションができる!」を合言葉に、フレッシュで実践的な英会話を駆使。
ミュージシャンでもあるALEX YORKは、米人気エンタメサイト「Time Out New York」で「ロック・スターの卵」と呼ばれ、名誉ある音楽祭「HMMA」ではシンガー・ソングライターとしての作品が2曲ノミネートを果たす。日本の名曲のオリジナル英語アレンジで注目を集め、秋元康や東京スカパラダイスオーケストラなど、音楽業界の大御所とコラボ。彼が手掛けた楽曲が複数オリコンチャートや、iTunesジャパンなどで、TOP10以内にチャートイン。
言葉でのコミュニケーションをこよなく愛し、日英堪能な語学力を生かし、米大手雑誌Newsweekや、人気MTV JAPANの公式サイトへの執筆活動も手掛ける。
尚、親日家のALEX YORKは、活動利益の一部を震災救援の寄付に充てている。
New York born-and-raised Alex York brings the world—and you—fresh and innovative English language education. His motto is simple: You can communicate!
A little background: Seeking communication that transcends borders, Alex launched into studies of Japanese, French, and Italian languages at Yale university. There, he received special academic distinction for his graduation thesis on cultural exchange in Japanese and English literature.
As a musician, Alex has been dubbed a "rock star in the making" by Time Out New York and earned two nominations for his songwriting at the Hollywood Music in Media Awards. His catchy English versions of Japanese classic songs gained attention in Japan, leading to collaborations with major figures in the Japanese music industry, such as producer Yasushi Akimoto and Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra. His works have hit the top 10 on multiple charts, including Japan’s Oricon charts and iTunes Japan charts.
Alex also loves communicating with his audience through the written word. He has written professionally for Newsweek in English, as well as for MTV Japan—in fluent Japanese.
Online, Alex teaches English learners authentic English straight from the streets of New York, plus etiquette and trends unique to the English-speaking world. He has captured the hearts of his followers, who total over 250,000 on social media.
Always feeling a special connection to Japan, Alex donates a portion of his profits to disaster relief efforts in that country.
His first book is slated for release from major Japanese publisher, Kadokawa.